Dental Implants

Family & General Dentistry & Orthodontics located in University Place, WA
Dental Implants

Dental Implants services offered in University Place, WA

If you want to restore the beauty and function of your smile with state-of-the-art technology, then dental implants are for you. The team at University Place Smiles uses high-quality dental implants to replace your missing teeth, giving you a rejuvenated smile that will make you forget you were ever missing teeth in the first place. Schedule an appointment by calling the office in University Place, Washington, or requesting an appointment online today. 

Dental Implants Q&A

How do dental implants work?

Dental implants are small posts made from biocompatible titanium or ceramic. They replace your missing teeth by functioning as artificial tooth roots and are embedded into your jaw with a surgical procedure.

Because your implants are biocompatible, they can fuse with the bone tissue in your jaw. After they’ve fused, your dentist can fit them with a beautiful restoration, like a crown, bridge, or dentures.

Once your provider at University Place Smiles fits your implant with a restoration, it becomes functionally identical to a natural tooth. It improves both the appearance and the proper functioning of your mouth.

Why should I replace missing teeth?

Your mouth functions best when all its parts work together in harmony. Replacing your missing teeth benefits your smile in a number of ways, like:

  • Improving your ability to speak and chew properly
  • Keeping the rest of your teeth in alignment
  • Evenly distributing the force in your bite
  • Maintaining the shape of your face

Replacing your missing teeth also improves your appearance by giving you a full and healthy-looking smile. 

What makes dental implants unique?

Other tooth-replacement technology, like bridges or dentures, can do an excellent job of filling in the empty spaces in your smile and giving you a full set of functional teeth. But neither bridges nor dentures mimic your tooth’s natural structure quite as dental implants do.

Because dental implants give you an artificial tooth root that biologically fuses to the bone tissue in your jaw, they have a few particular advantages for your smile and oral health. Unlike bridges, you don’t have to reduce neighboring teeth in order to replace your tooth. This enables you to keep more of the natural structures of your smile intact, which is better for your oral health.

Dental implants also provide your jawbone with healthy stimulation. When your bone tissue isn’t properly stimulated, it can deteriorate in a process called resorption. This can happen when patients have been wearing dentures for an extended period of time because dentures sit on top of your gums and don’t stimulate your jawbone. Implants, on the other hand, are connected to your bone tissue and help to stave off that bone loss.

Schedule your dental implant consultation with University Place Smiles by calling the office or booking a visit online today.